I would like to introduce you to the newest animal members on our homestead!
We have been waiting a long time to get our rabbitry underway. Thanks to my friend, and fellow homesteader, Ms. Shonda @sbecktraditions, we were able to do so today.
Say hello to Midnight (all black/dark grey doe), Oreo (black/dark grey and white doe), and Bugs (Grey and white buck). We are super excited for this part of our journey to begin. The girls were super excited to see them when they got home from school.

Midnight and Oreo are Californian and Red New Zealand, Silver Fox/Chinchilla cross, and Bugs is a Silver Fox/Spot and Silver Fox cross. All 3 were born April 21st. They are adjusting to their new home beautifully.
We are looking forward to all of the awesome fertilizer these three will provide for our gardens. The girls absolutely love to snuggle and cuddle these cuties. They do know that these 3 are a breeding trio that we will eventually put into service to provide meat for our family. They are not quite 7 weeks old, so we have a little bit more time before we get to that stage. We have talked to the girls, even before we got our rabbits, about WHY we are adding them to our homestead. They seem to be doing okay with it at the moment. That could change once we actually jump into the breeding pool.
Stay tuned for more updates on these cutie patooties!
Happy Homesteading!