This morning’s harvest was a small, green one. More peas to add to the batch waiting to freeze dry. My Spring peas are about to come to an end due to the heat.

The cabbage is for a Southern Fried Cabbage recipe I’m making today for Brett to go with the homemade potato salad and smoked brisket. I’ll include the recipe under the recipes section. It was SO good and very simple. Great for a quick side dish. I’m not a huge fan of cooked cabbage, but this is one recipe that I will be using again. The girls asked for it again SOON.
More cabbages await in the garden. But, like the peas, there’s not long left for the Spring brassicas. I will be putting another round of cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, and peas, into my fall garden to hopefully carry us through the winter months.
I was also able to gather my first small harvest of bush green beans. It’s so nice to be able to go out and pick as you need them. That won’t last much longer I’m sure due to heat. The garden is starting to take off! Make sure that you follow our YouTube channel to see the weekly updates.
I will be starting some of my fall garden crops next month. I can hardly believe that it’s almost time to do that! Stay tuned for more of those posts as well.
Have you planted a garden yet? If not, consider starting a fall one. Depending on where you live, you still have time to get some sort of harvest.
Don’t have the room for an in-ground garden? Get some containers. They don’t have to be fancy. You can grow just about anything in a container. Green beans, tomatoes, peas, carrots, beets, lettuce, and on. The most important thing is to make sure it’s at least 6 inches deep and there are drainage holes in the bottom. I’ve used food-grade buckets from Tractor Supply Co., Lowe’s, and Home Depot, as well as inexpensive pots from Wal-Mart and The Dollar Tree. They all work just the same.
Don’t be afraid to get out there and grow! Be sure to share your gardens with us!
Happy Homesteading!