Garlic Crop Cured and Ready for Storage

I prepped my cured garlic this morning. I ended up with 57 awesome heads of garlic for our pantry! Not too shabby for basically a set and forget plant. The basket these are in, is huge. These heads should hold for several months as long as I keep their environment happy. Gardeners store their garlic in different ways. Some leave the dried stalks on and braid the cured heads before hanging them in a cool, dry place. Others cut the tops off (as I did here) and store them in baskets, or paper bags. Or even wooden crates. When I first got into growing garlic, I thought that I had to follow a strict method or I wasn’t doing it right. Over time, I’ve learned to do what works for our situation best. Even if it’s not what others are doing.

For me, the wooden crate is what works best. It allows for the airflow around the heads, but, because the crates are rectangular shaped, they fit better in my storage space. I don’t have a lot of hanging space.

Whatever method you choose, it is important to keep them in a cool space. Do remember to check on them often. No matter what method you use, or what your storage space climate is like, they will not hold forever. I sort through my crate about every month to make sure that I’m using or further preserving my garlic, if they are showing signs of age. If I won’t be able to use them fresh, I will mince or chop the heads in question up, freeze them in tablespoon sized portions, then freeze dry them.

The best time to plant your garlic is in the fall months. October is the most common month. But, it may vary depending on where you live. The key is to get them planted before the ground freezes. If they start to sprout, that’s okay. The frost or freezing temperatures will knock back, but once the temperatures warm up in the Spring, they will pop right back.

You can sow garlic that you purchase from seed companies, from heads you’ve saved from the previous growing season, or even from garlic that you’ve bought at the grocery story. They are a very simple plant to grow! If you decide to grow them this year, feel free to share! Be sure to join our Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram:

Facebook group: Cover’s Corner Suburban Homestead YouTube: Cover’s Corner Suburban Homestead Instagram: @coverscornersuburbanhomestead

Happy Gardening All! ~ Stephanie

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